Dog Days of Summer: Dog Bites & Personal Injuries

There is no question that Vancouver is home to many dog lovers, as the popularity of this recent pop-up dog cafe has shown. People love their dogs. But not all dogs are friendly, and as this article shows, serious injuries can result when a dog attacks a human. Not only physical injuries, but also lingering emotional trauma or PTSD from the attack, especially if a child is involved.

However, the case law on liability in dog bite cases can be quite complex. Animal owners have a responsibility to protect others from their pets. As can be seen in this case, there are two different ways an owner can be held liable for personal injuries inflicted by a dog: scienter (having knowledge/intent) or negligence (i.e., the dog escaped).

If you have been recently injured by a dog, it can be very confusing trying to make a claim while getting proper medical treatment and moving on with your life. Even if you make a claim, you may still run into difficulty if the owner of the animal raises a defence or disputes ownership of the dog.

If you’ve been attacked by a dog, it is important to speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer. John Mickelson Law Corporation can help you acquire financial assistance and medical treatment. Our ICBC lawyers have the experience needed to maximize your personal injury settlement. Call us at (604) 684-0040 for a free consultation in our Vancouver, Surrey or Abbotsford offices.


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